文章借鑒國際上通用的研究方法,在分析了國內外研究現(xiàn)狀的基礎上,辨析并界定了公司治理結構、會計信息披露有效性等相關概念,闡述了相關理論,將公司治理結構的內外構成部分劃分為資本結構和組織結構兩個層面,總結了保證會計信息披露有效性的系列原則。Based on the general international research method, ...
which denotes uprightness and loyalty, white, which represents evil or crafty characters, and black, which is given to characters of soundness and integrity.Three main types of Jing roles are often seen. These include tongchui, roles that heavily involve singing, jiazi, roles with l...
中文譯英文 出外交流需用,請各位幫幫忙。需要有關筷子、京劇、毛筆的基本資料。基本資料就可以了,就像那京劇有生旦凈末丑的英文翻譯謝謝... 出外交流需用,請各位幫幫忙。需要有關筷子、京劇、毛筆的基本資料。基本資料就可以了,就像那京劇有生旦凈末丑的英文翻譯謝謝 展開 我來答 3個回答 #熱議# ...
分析論證的有效性(Soundness),包括對原論述的評價(Evaluation, assessment)以及新信息對原論證的作用(Support, Weaken)。為了正確回答這些問題,我們要掌握相應的邏輯規(guī)則。GMAT里的推理過程,就是一個由A到B的過程,即由已知的事(A)推出未知的事(B)的過程。A與B有哪些關系?也就是說,在什么情況下,...
deeply asleep和fast asleep的區(qū)別
they are always trying to destroy us. I fully admit the soundness of this appraisal, and indeed one would have to be fast asleep to overlook the point. 對的,他們總是在企圖破壞我們,我完全承認這種估計的正確,不估計這一點就等于睡覺。 -- 來源 -- 漢英 - 翻譯參考 好評(0)差評(...
...can now be appreciated 怎么翻譯?此處的as的用法(語法)?求高手解答...
也翻譯一下吧:大家有有機會欣賞了:這一新發(fā)明的套件裝配上有其優(yōu)越性,有一個金屬隔間,一個金屬涂層的塑料隔間,或者一個除了保存空氣以外,還能保存像氬一樣的惰性氣體的隔間,裝配上有相對優(yōu)越的穩(wěn)定值和利用價值,同時結構堅固耐用。花了一小時了,加點分哦。當然,還可追問 ...
英文演講比賽 題目金融危機對我國經(jīng)濟和社會的影響
The soundness of the Chinese economy and limited participation in the international financial market have so far saved the country from bearing the brunt of the financial crisis."But we cannot take it lightly," warned Tang.The one-year-old crisis has already resulted in astronomical ...
,good `sense soundness in judgement; practical wisdom 判斷的準確性; 處理問題的智慧.,good-`tempered adj not easily irritated or made angry 脾氣好的; 不愛生氣的. good 2 \/ gud; ɡʊd\/ n [U] that which is morally right or acceptable 有道德的事; 善: the difference between good and ...
計咐17181903162咨詢: 關于微博的英語作文 -
______ Micro Bo didn't before spreading, network strength's getting involved a real life doesn't lack its instance as well.Deng Yu Jiao the sting officer's case in 2009 is such, not only own backing of network public opinion, after the event takes place, also ...
計咐17181903162咨詢: sound argument是什么意思 -
______ 中文意思:正確的立論,可靠的論據(jù). 1.So that's a sound argument but it's not very good is it? 所以這是個完好的論點,但這不是很好,不是嗎? 2.A sound argument induces people to agree. 言之成理的論點會說服人們同意. 3.reflects ...
計咐17181903162咨詢: 誠信 用英語怎么說.謝謝. -
______ integrity 英 [?n'tegr?t?] 美 [?n't?ɡr?ti] n. 完整;正直;誠實;廉正 英英釋義:integrity [in'teɡr?ti] undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal ...
計咐17181903162咨詢: 新視野大學英語unit4單詞文本 -
______ NEW WORDSimpressionn. 1. the effect produced in sb.'s mind 印象,效果2. an idea or opinion that one forms about sth. 感覺,感想consciousa. 1. realizing sth. 感覺到,...
計咐17181903162咨詢: 高中英語作文介紹美國民族風俗和中學學生生活
______ Modern American culture is a juicy burger of mass culture garnished with 15 minutes of fame. It owes as much to marketing savvy, communications technology and mass-...
計咐17181903162咨詢: 完整的英文意思是什么?
______ 完整: 1. complete 2. intact Relative explainations: <completeness> <integrity> <holonomy> <soundness> <intact dna> <roundness> <in its entirety> <integral> Examples: 1. 我們國家的完整受到了這些分裂主義勢力的威脅. Our integrity as a ...
計咐17181903162咨詢: 這個怎么解釋 -
______ Give me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, courage the things I can and wisdom 給我平靜接受我不能改變的東西,勇氣我罐的東西和智慧WISDOM是”智慧”的意思
計咐17181903162咨詢: 用英語翻譯:《祈禱上帝保佑我和我的家人一生幸福平安,健康長壽.》 -
______ 這是意譯,為了通順不按原句直譯: I pray that God will protect me and my family, keep us safe and in good health, and that we will always have His blessings, and live a long life.
計咐17181903162咨詢: 悄悄的來,怕把你吵醒咯.用英語怎么說
______ 應該是: soundness coming、scary for wake you up \ 望采納、
計咐17181903162咨詢: "健康"這個詞用英語怎么說? -
______ 健康 jian kang; physique; fitness 2.healthy 以上結果由 Dr.eye譯典通字典 提供